Product 3D Rendering Guide
Everything a marketer and manufacturer needs to know about product CGI.
Everything a marketer and manufacturer needs to know about product CGI.
The time to shift businesses online is now or never. The need to transition has been around for a while. Now with COVID, it accelerated tenfold and became vital. Many product manufacturers realized it and began looking for ways to win their shares of the online market. Brands try to outdo each other in everything — attractive offers, online shopping experience, eye-catching visuals, creative advertising, etc. The competition is cutthroat.
So how can a product manufacturer “go online and rock it”? A good way would be to plan beforehand and answer the following questions:
The first three questions require strategies and are for marketers to answer. As for the 3rd and 4th, we’ve got the answer — it’s product 3D rendering.
CG rendering or CGI is an effort-, time- and budget-saving alternative to product photography. CGI provides companies with high-class visual materials for every purpose — advertising, product pages, Amazon and Shopify, configurators, etc. And that without photoshoots or transporting products to the studio. In fact, manufacturers don’t even need to have physical products.
Moreover, CG rendering produces materials that are photorealistic and look like 1 000 000 bucks. And can be reusable! Which will help save even more time and money at the next marketing campaigns.
Sounds too good to be true? Yet this is an understatement of what product rendering services can do. Let’s get to the bottom of this phenomenon and see how you can benefit from it!
Find out what the term stands for, what the result is, what stages 3D product rendering consists of, and get the link to our illustrated 3D render production case study.
In this chapter, you will learn who benefits from 3D rendering the most, and how product marketers and manufacturers are using CGI to empower their businesses.
Product marketers and manufacturers have 2 options when it comes to visuals production — photography and CGI. The question is, which one’s more beneficial? Let’s analyze both solutions.
Discover all the variety of solutions CGI offers along with their characteristics. You can use this chapter as your mini-guide in the search for perfect product rendering visuals, be they static, animated, or interactive.
What are the types of silo product rendering and where to use them? Learn everything you need to know about silo images in this chapter!
What are the 9 ways in which you can benefit from lifestyle images? Find out, and then choose the best type, mood, and roomset style for your marketing purposes.
Find out everything you need to know about product animation services: types, usages, production process, even the best software. In addition, you can learn the functions of a 3D animation studio and which studio is the best.
Find out everything you need to know about Augmented Reality in furniture retail: what’s an AR model, what AR benefits are, and what the models of different complexity levels look like in AR.
Explore how 3D rendering enhances your Product Detail Pages (PDPs) with essential visuals, winning angles, and eCommerce best practices.
Discover the 3D rendering software, plugins, and post-production tools that professional 3D artists use to create jaw-dropping photorealistic product 3D renders.
What 3D rendering files formats are there, and what are they used for? Why sending files to a product CGI company and how to that? Find the answers in this chapter.
What will work better for you — an outsource or in-house CGI team? Let’s compare them against the criteria of budget, time, capability, and the need for equipment.
How to find a great outsource 3D rendering team for a long-term cooperation? Just follow these 5 steps, and you’ll find a perfect CGI contractor for your projects.
Reference imagery helps 3D artists create outstandingly photorealistic 3D models and renders, and speed the project up. Find out what types of references to attach to your scope of work!
Discover what happens when you order CGI with a product visualization company. You’ll find here 7 steps that take you from the brief to a photorealistic 3D rendering.
See what steps a 3D modeling project goes through, what intermediate results you can ask to check at each stage, and what the result looks like.
What does the 3D rendering price depend upon? How can you save on lifestyle images production without sacrificing quality? Find out in this chapter.
Discover 3 super simple but effective tips on how to communicate with your outsource CGI team, and thus always get astonishingly beautiful imagery and fast.
The best way to choose CGI solutions is to look at examples of real projects. Check out these case studies here, and see how product rendering works for other brands!