Once the price is clear, it’s time to think about the workflow of the product rendering project. How to make sure it’s as fast and effective as possible? Let’s see.
- Plan ahead. It’s best to arrange for an online meeting and discuss the work with the future CGI team. The manager and 3D artists would answer questions and help develop a project strategy with clear milestones and dates.
- Keep in touch. The best way to make sure that the final imagery will be up to and beyond expectations is to check intermediate results at every step of the project. It’s much easier to tweak them than to re-render a ready CG lifestyle.
- Give feedback. Effective communication and timeliness are everything. It’s vital to send the comments as soon as possible, and make sure everyone is on the same page. There are 3 ways of sending feedback: meet online, comment via CGI CRM, and combine the two.
By sticking to these basic rules, marketers and manufacturers can ensure the product 3D renders will be ready on time and look like million dollars. You can find more information on the subject in our articles about accelerating a 3D rendering project workflow and writing a brief for a CGI studio.