Feature index
Besides photoreal product quality, CGIFurniture has a reliable service platform. Here you can find the core features that makes our offer unique.
Experience in Furniture Industry – We provide CGI imagery and catalog design services for 1054 furniture companies.
Scale – Our team includes 192 professional 3D Artists, 3D Modelers and Designers. So regardless of the project scale, communication is just as easy and workflow – smooth.
Design Skills – Our customers don’t need to do design work, for 3D Artists at CGI Furniture have both proper training and experience. We create scenes that really highlight furniture.
Impeccable Quality
Experts in 3D – We’ve been working in CGI for 12 years. We work in 3Ds Max, V-ray, Z-brush, Rhinoceros 3D, Maya, Substance Painter, Marvelous Designer, Substance Designer, Unreal Engine, Unity 3D.
Photorealistic Quality – The renderings we create are indistinguishable from photos. For our 3D Artists are experts at creating thrillingly realistic textures and setting the perfect light to offset it.
Quality Double-Check – To ensure the end results are up to highest standards, they go through double control: first, they are verified according to our internal Quality Assessment system, upon which Project Managers take over.
Marketing Approach
Full-Service Content Marketing – Our customers get ready to exhibitions at the speed of light – by getting marketing materials, as well as their visual content, with CGI Furniture.
Team Of Professional Marketers – We know how to add emotion to the image and make it speak to the viewer. So we create not just high-quality CGI, but a powerful marketing asset.
Customer-Oriented – Images we create hit their target audience. To achieve that, we brief our customers before the project and analyse the ideal customer.
Reliable Service
Personal Project Team – Each of our clients is assigned 1 team working on all his projects. That guarantees ideal mutual understanding and utter confidence in results.
24/7 Support – Our customers can contact us at any time they choose, even at 3 p.m. – our Client Managers gladly answer all their questions.
NDA – Our customers are completely confident in the safety of their information: before starting a project, we sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Smooth Workflow + Short-Term-Friendly
Handy Task Manager – The work process unfolds in task manager allowing to control it in real time – as if you are working at the same desk with your in-house team of 3D Artists.
All Projects In 1 Place – With multi-level access to our CGI CRM, our clients can find all information on their projects in 1 place. So that they can check it any time they like, via laptop at work or via phone on way home.
Templates of Technical Assignment – We use a time-proven template that guarantees both perfect mutual understanding and astonishing results within 48 hours only.
On-Time Guarantee – The program guarantees that if your images are not on time, you get them for free. To benefit from the option, you need to pay before the project, get in touch with the team once per day and ask for changes or adjustments 12 hours before the deadline at the latest.
Free Corrections – Our goal is to create images that delight customers. So we don’t rest until we get our “Well done!!!”, and don’t charge the customer for helping us to do just that.
Cost and Time Saving Technology – Our clients get free access to a base of more than 39000 amazing decor items and 6143 scenes. That cuts project time and cost dramatically and allows for smashing images.