How to Choose a Product CGI Company

for Large-Scale Rendering Projects

Launching new products and starting marketing campaigns implies large-scale rendering as furniture brands need lots of images. The problem is that not every CG company has enough in-house 3D artists to manage a big pile of work. Therefore, furniture manufacturers and retailers have to hire different outsource studios for 3D modeling and rendering.

However, collaborating with multiple CG providers causes communication confusion about each party’s responsibilities, file exchange, and deadlines. Due to possible misunderstandings and delays, furniture brands put their promo and marketing campaigns at a big risk. The solution lies in hiring one CG studio that has enough resources and expertise to manage intense workflow.

But how to find a reliable and versatile 3D rendering company for your large-scale project? Use these 8 surefire tips to pick a multi-disciplinary CG contractor!

#1. Opt for a CGI Studio that Has a Large CG Team

A Group of 3D Rendering Artists Working on a Large-Scale Project

A large-scale rendering project can’t be done by a small group of enthusiasts. A CG studio needs client managers to communicate with customers, project managers and mentors to manage a team of CG artists that work on 3D modeling and rendering. That’s why professional CG companies hunt the best specialists and invest time and money in their training.

It takes years to create a team of CG experts but that’s the only way a CG studio can get certified in-house specialists of various profiles. In CGIFurniture, we have more than 100 in-house artists and can regroup them for large-scale and urgent projects. This way, we can deliver 3D renderings of any complexity within the fixed term. We even give an on-time guarantee, so with a failed deadline, our clients get renders for free.

#2. Make Sure Their CG Artists are Well-Equipped 

A CG Artist’s Working Station Ready for Large-Scale 3D Rendering

A CGI company that constantly works with large-scale rendering projects, provides its 3D artists with the best software and hardware. On top of that, they use additional CG tools that optimize the workflow. Let’s take a look at the two most important ones.

In-House Render Farm

A render-farm is a cluster of computers united for large-scale 3D rendering. They could be cloud-based or in-house. Reputable CG companies don’t use online render farms because of long queues. CGIFurniture has an in-house render farm that allows our CG artists to accelerate the 3D rendering process and make a large amount of CG images in time.

3D Libraries

To speed up the workflow, far-sighted CG studios use 3D libraries of top-quality 3D models and scenes. For instance, we have 4000 scenes and 57 450 prop models of various styles at our disposal. Our clients have access to the 3D library so they can pick any furniture and decor piece they want for their lifestyle 3D renderings.

#3. Check a CGI Portfolio for Mood and Detailing Consistency

A Simple Lifestyle Scene for a Large-Scale Furniture Rendering Project

Whether it’s a product photo on a monochrome background or lifestyle images with different scenes and lighting schemes, they all must be in the same style and mood for a product catalog. But with a large-scale rendering task, brand managers often overlook this aspect. As a result, all images look different which can confuse buyers.

However, the difference between a professional and amateur CG artist is that the first one can maintain a holistic mood and style for all visuals. For that, a CG team goes through all the client’s requirements and mood boards first. Then, they proceed to 3D modeling and rendering led by a mentor and project manager. These two make sure that the output meets quality standards, and all the final images are of the same quality, style, and mood.

#4. Make Inquiries on Which CGI Services They Provide

A multi-disciplinary 3D visualization studio must provide all the CG solutions needed for a large-scale rendering case. Otherwise, brand marketers will have to distribute the tasks between several outsource CGI studios which leads to chaotic communication and failed deadlines.

CGIFurniture has a diverse team, so we provide the whole package of CG services — 3D models for 3D rendering and AR, silo renderings, lifestyle images, wireframe, and millwork 2D drawings, CG product configurators, 3D animation, and so on. Working with us, marketers can order everything in one go and just keep checking all the intermediate and final results in our CRM system.

#5. Ask a Client Manager about Project Communication Tools They Use

A Graphic Illustrating CRM System Used for Large-Scale Rendering Cases

A large-scale rendering process demands flexibility and effective communication, which is often a stumbling block for most outsourcing CG studios. In turn, client-oriented companies don’t rely on chaotic messengers where materials and edits can be easily lost. They adhere to strict discipline and a well-established ongoing communication procedure. For example, CGIFurniture has two main communication tools.


Our CGI CRM platform is called Archivizer and every client gets access to their personal account. This is where they can communicate directly with a CG team, send them files, and make adjustments. Moreover, Archivizer also safely stores the adjustments history, all files, and invoices, and guarantees data security.

Personal Communication

Before starting a project, we arrange a general video conference where we introduce the team, and discuss a brief and project implementation strategy. We also schedule milestones and the final deadline. During the large-scale rendering process, we often have video calls with screen sharing to clarify some aspects. After the work is done, we can call a client to recap things and find out what we need to improve to adjust the workflow.

#6. Pick a CG Company that Uses a Scope of Work Template

A Marketer Checking the List of Tasks for Large-Scale Rendering

Scope of Work Template or SOW is an application form that clients fill out for a CGI studio. It defines the work that has to be done and includes all the data 3D artists need to know. By filling out the SOW form, clients can eliminate additional questions and calls, hence, saving their own time and money.

In CGIFurniture, we have a ready SOW template on our website, so clients can fill it out right there or download it as a PDF. Our SOW contains all the data on what 3D artists need for a project. Once our project managers receive the filled brief, they approve it and distribute the tasks between CG specialists. This way, a large-scale rendering process goes fast and smoothly from the very start.

#7. Ask How Do They Store all Materials on Large-Scale Rendering Projects

A Man Exchanging 3D Rendering Files of a Large-Scale Project

File storage is an important issue, especially when it comes to large-scale rendering cases. Such projects contain lots of assets and data so storing them in online cloud systems can cost a fortune.

In the best-case scenario, a CG company must provide universal and user-friendly file storage. For instance, we keep all the files in our CGI CRM. Every client has access to “My Library” where they can find every single 3D model, scene, or material sample used in their renderings. With this storage solution, they don’t have to worry about buying cloud storage. Moreover, if a 3D model or scene becomes outdated format-wise, we update it with no sweat.

#8. Give Preference to CG Studios that Know How to Optimize the Workflow

A Graphic Illustrating Workflow Optimization for a Large-Scale Rendering Project

Experienced CG artists have their own methods of workflow optimization and improvement. For example, we use a system of guidelines that regulate all the key aspects of a large-scale rendering project. Team leads check all results with guidelines and guarantee that all points are met.

Moreover, we also use templates based on previous projects and tailor them specifically for new ones. Here are our key ones:

  • index 3D scenes for a particular client. It includes all the frequently used materials, lighting, decors, etc by a client.
  • index 3D scenes for a client’s specific product. When given new requirements, we adjust and update the scene.
  • standard material libraries. We collect all the basic materials we often use for 3D renderings, such as carpet, plaster, ferrous metal, brass, and colored glass. We store materials and textures in a pre-configured form so that artists can use them to speed up the process of creating large-scale 3D scenes.

Examine case-studies of CGI projects to see real examples of using 3D technology for marketing purposes.

product rendering price

Before entrusting large-scale projects to an outsource CG contractor, first, make sure they can allocate lots of CG specialists. These experts must be well-equipped with the latest software and hardware, have 3D libraries and an in-house render farm. Secondly, a potential CG provider must have well-established communication tools and storage solutions. In CGIFurniture, we know how to manage big rendering projects effectively. That’s why market leaders such as Bisley, DHP Furniture, Hilti Furniture, Dorel Living, and Urban Ironcraft have worked with us before and come back with their new projects.

Ready to outsource your large-scale rendering project to make workflow more effective? Contact our managers for 3D rendering services right now, and get top-notch realistic CGI made by a professional CG team within deadlines!

Irene Lewis

Content Writer

Irene is a content writer. She previously worked for interior and chess magazines. When not writing articles, Irene finds great pleasure in collecting Star Trek memorabilia, reading Medieval poetry and playing banjo.

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