Furniture advertising was always about connecting with target audience. Every generation brings new challenge that can be summed up in one question : “What Do They Want?”. Today this question applies to current largest living demographic – the millennials. Luckily for everyone, the Y generation doesn’t hide what it wants from promotional materials. So today we’ll explore the visuals and techniques that make them want to buy your furniture!

#1. Understand Them First

It is honestly surprising how superficial is market research of millennials – the demographic potentially worth trillions of dollars. Furniture advertising is about knowing exactly what customers want, so thorough research is mandatory. Here are some insights into Y generation:

  • They fact-check information, but have fixed black-and-white moral compass
  • They listen to Internet authority figures more
  • They prize interactivity (they are inseparable from gadgets, after all)
  • They want the advertising to come to them, but not in form of actual ads
  • For them word of mouth is just as, if not more effective than reviews (the bandwagon effect)

So, what do we make of it?

#2. Social Media Are The New SEO

That’s right – social media should become your main advertising platform. It will get you tons of traffic and potential customers. Make sure to optimise your content to meet the Internets standards. A good idea would be to make short animations or videos showcasing your products in motion. Remember – memorable content sells! Consider using photorealistic product renderings: it will save you lots of time and provide with gorgeously-looking imagery.

#3. Images Have To Be Instagram-Worthy

Millennials should be called Instagrammers – due how much they use this app. A product image looking good is not enough for them. There has to be a lot of them, because swiping through just ten or so pictures is something Y-ers can do almost instantly. Accumulate an impressive portfolio or catalog, since the more you can provide, the more willing they’ll be to gobble up your merchandise. Just don’t use memes in furniture advertising – a lot of hashtags and emojis will do.

#4. They Are The Stars, Not The Product

There never was a demographic that was as self-important than millennials. Therefore, marketing for them should be about them, not about the product. A good idea would be to sell the idea why furniture you’re advertising will appeal to their social identity and what great experiences it will bring. Whatever pictures you use for promotion have to be “worthy” to be posted by Ys. Whic calls for excellent marketing materials and 3D product rendering, capable of creating an inspiring atmopshere and flattering surroundings for a product.

#5. The Product Doesn’t Sell, Purpose Does

Another thing you can sell to Y generation instead of products is the purpose. The new way of furniture advertising can be associated with a charity: saving animals, preserving cultural heritage, reducing pollution or helping hungry children from impoverished countries. Manipulative? Perhaps, but for millennials feelings substitute facts, and getting emotional response is a better technique than providing actual information. After all, what are 3-5 dollars from every item sold compared to massive profits you can get?

#6. Authenticity Is Vital

That said, millennials can spot a blatant ad from a mile away. Be creative: provide transparent information about products, give actually helpful tips and prize their individuality. Think of marketing as a conversation – and use social media for it, just like regular people. Be just as relevant as an average user is when it comes to monitoring trends. The choice is yours!

#7. Each Experience Has To Be Unique

To maximise effectiveness of furniture advertising for millenials, make them experience something unique, something they will remember for sure. One way to make that kind of impression is through interactivity. Swiping through pictures is ok, but what if viewers are involved in the action? An interactive experience is the best thing to get attention. And when AR comes into full power – that’s when direct involvement will be through the roof!

Download CGIFURNITURE price guide and learn the costs of top-tier 3D visualization projects of different scales!

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Furniture advertising for millennials in not an easy task, as you can see by now. But by adapting and staying creative you’ll definitely manage to attract Y-ers easily. Just know your target audience, and what it needs. And if you want to get cutting edge promotional materials for your furniture, we’ll happily oblige. Start using modern technologies with our 3D modeling services today!

Paul J. Parker

Sr. Digital Marketing Specialist at CGIFurniture

More than anything, Paul loves when the ad campaign shows higher ROI than anticipated. His other passions include playing basketball with friends, street-art, and cooking delicious vegan desserts and sweets.

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