Augmented Reality for Furniture

Why Manufacturers Need to Try It

According to Google’s AR Survey, 66% of online shoppers are interested in using the technology to help them make purchasing decisions. But what exactly does that mean for manufacturers, specifically in the furniture industry? Is augmented reality for furniture a true game-changer when it comes to boosting online sales? Well, it just might be.

Our 3D modeling studio, which specializes in the production of various kinds of CG visuals, including AR models, has prepared this article to answer the questions you might have about the benefits of using augmented reality in your work. Namely, we’ve listed the top 5 reasons you should definitely give it a go. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

#1. Augmented Reality Helps Reduce Return Rate

QR Code for AR 3D Model

Scan QR code to see this product in augmented reality

High return rates are the bane of furniture manufacturers. Even though only 7% of online buyers in the US returned furniture and household items in 2021, companies incurred considerable expenses due to high shipping costs. And most returns happen not because the goods are defective, but because they didn’t fit right in their new owners’ homes.

Now, using augmented reality for furniture sales is all about helping customers find the perfect products for their interiors. With AR, shoppers can virtually put life-size pieces in their intended spaces and see if those choices work in terms of dimensions and style. As a result, the chances of people buying the wrong items and then having to return them drop significantly.

#2. AR Allows Creating a Crisis-Proof Online Shopping Experience

Woman Using AR to Choose Living Room Furniture

As the Covid-19 pandemic is yet to be over, many furniture brands are looking for ways to prevent huge financial losses in crises that may lie ahead. In this case, augmented reality is just the technology that allows manufacturers to provide the next best thing to physical shopping in events like lockdowns.

By shopping with an AR-powered app, even those who are used to brick-and-mortar stores will feel confident about purchasing expensive pieces of furniture. All because they’ll know exactly what the products will look like in their homes.

#3. Using Augmented Reality Helps Increase Conversion Rate

Scan QR code to see this product in augmented reality

Whether an e-store visitor becomes a buyer depends on a number of factors, one of which is time spent on the platform. And what can capture one’s attention better than an interactive, easy-to-use, game-like tool that also makes the whole shopping process way more efficient?

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Basically, brands that adopt augmented reality for furniture sales can expect customers to spend more time on their ecommerce apps. Because it’s just so engaging and effortless to try out different products and compare options from the comfort of one’s own home with AR technology. This way, people will see a greater number of products and will be more likely to make a purchase.

#4. AR Technology Allows for Improving Customer Loyalty

Customer Shopping for Dining Room Furniture Online with AR

Using augmented reality in the furniture industry provides a greatly enjoyable shopping experience for buyers. But how does that benefit manufacturers in the long run? It’s safe to say that it has the power to boost customer loyalty. That means more people will return and buy from the same store again.

Moreover, loyal customers are likely to recommend the brand to their family members and friends as well. As a result, the furniture company will have a higher customer retention rate, which results in higher and more stable profits.

#5. The Use of AR Makes Brands More Attractive for Younger Customers

Man Using Augmented Reality to Choose a Living Room Furniture Set

The last but not least reason to adopt augmented reality for furniture sales is that using new technologies helps manufacturers stay relevant in the eyes of younger generations. According to the 2021 Global Deloitte Digital Study commissioned by Snap Inc., most people who currently use AR in one way or another on a regular basis are Millennials, followed closely by Gen Z.

At the same time, these generations are expected to become the biggest online spenders in the next few years. So, it’s only natural for product brands, including furniture manufacturers, to tap into AR technology before everyone else starts doing it.

Those were the main 5 reasons for companies to try augmented reality for furniture sales online. As one can see, the benefits of using AR in e-commerce are overwhelming, and the widespread adoption of the technology is only a matter of time.

Looking for professional 3D modeling services to create an outstanding AR shopping experience? Contact us at CGIFurniture and get top-quality models for your app right now!

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