Who Uses 3D Product Rendering?

CGI has become indispensable in many industries and continues to gain new territories. A complete list would make a guide of its own, so let’s focus on the categories that use product rendering the most. There are 5 of them:

  • product manufacturers use CGI all throughout the project, starting with concept development and ending with marketing materials production. We’ll learn more about each usage type in the next paragraph.
  • e-commerce platforms extensively use CGI too. Some require 3D models from vendors in order to create 3D renders for them or showcase the product in AR.
  • retail companies choose CGI because of the reusability of assets, the possibility to get large batches of imagery fast and without any transportations, and the possibility to work with AR and VR.
  • entrepreneurs use 3D modeling and rendering to get their products to the market quickly. With CGI, they can get top-class silos, lifestyles, and promo videos while the product is being shipped or even manufactured. And this way, launch the site and advertising campaign while collecting the funds through crowdfunding.
  • marketing agencies value 3D rendering for 2 main reasons. First, they gain time by getting visuals before the product is manufactured. Second, marketing agencies opt for CGI because of unlimited creative opportunities. For 3D artists can show the product from any angle and in any environment.

What Is Product Rendering Used for?

There are a few ways to use 3D rendering for different marketing goals:

  • Product development process. CG images help visualize and approve the final version of a design idea. The photorealism of 3D renders gives them a clear advantage over drawings or sketches. 
  • Market testing. CGI allows estimating a reaction of the target audience to a product before it’s manufactured or launched in order to predict its success or failure on the market. Before, the only way to do it was to produce prototypes.
  • E-commerce websites. Product 3D rendering is a great source of show-stopping materials for visual merchandising. Online retailers use it to get lifestyles, silos, 3D animations for product pages, websites, as well as imagery for Amazon, Shopify, Etsy, eBay, etc. 
  • Advertising. Photoreal 3D visualization provides imagery for digital and outdoor advertising, photoshoot-free. This way, CGI allows for implementing any concept and doesn’t require complex stage construction. And that for any concept and format, from online banners to billboards ads.  
  • Print collateral. CG renderings look extraordinary in print catalogs, flyers, brochures, in any resolution required. Moreover, as 3D renders can be done even before the prototypes are manufactured, it’s possible to get all the collateral materials ready way before the launch.


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