3D Product Pictures

7 Creative Ways to Use Them for Visual Content Marketing

It takes thirteen milliseconds for the brain to process an image, but it takes considerably longer to process words. It is for this reason that visual content marketing has always been preferred over audio or text. This was the case in the era of print media, and it is the case in this internet age. 

Visual content marketing can involve 3D product pictures, short videos, and such engaging tools like AR and VR. One needs to carefully choose the type of imagery to use and the type of information they superimpose on the visuals for more effectiveness. The following are some tips to make your enterprise more successful.

#1. Incorporate Immersive 3D Animation

In visual content, like in other forms of marketing, the first thing one has to do is capture the attention of the audience. 3D animation is one of the most effective ways to do that because it is incomparably immersive. 

One can use 3D animated videos as a way of showing details of the product. Product animations may be made specifically to showcase different parts of an item. While at it, they may demonstrate how to assemble and disassemble some products and other how-to-do types of videos. 

3D animation also shows the product from all angles. In the case of furniture, it can show how the item would fit into a room. With this facility, one may also be able to see products from different angles using a fly-around camera. By the time the user is through viewing these CG videos, they already have a clear idea of what the product has to offer them.

#2. Use Visuals to Tell a Story

Visual Storytelling

According to research, 95% of the decisions to buy are subconscious. The main driving force of subconscious decisions is emotions, not logic. Few tools are as powerful in building emotions as stories. Anyone who wants to create an emotional attachment to their product should find a way of getting their audience to identify the product with the stories of their lives. 

Visual content marketing, especially when used on social media, allows people to tell their stories concerning the product on offer. A marketer can, for example, show the picture of furniture in a stylish room set – a king-size bed in the cozy bedroom, a soft couch in the nice living room, among other lifestyle concepts. The seller should then invite people to comment on how they can relate to the product in the attached picture or other questions that would directly engage the audience. 

#3. Make Use of Memes

Product 3D Animation for Instagram Stories

Memes are a serious currency on social media and the internet in general. They work best on particular social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Any visual marketing endeavor can benefit immensely from a well-timed meme. 

3D product pictures are perfect for experimenting with Photoshop and other 2D graphics software. Their digital qualities allow them to mix and match with memes, as well as turn them into gifs, collages, and other viral formats. As a result, 3D renders can be easily transformed into any digital visuals giving a variety of content materials.   

A marketer can take a viral meme and superimpose it on product pictures in a manner that would make the meme related to the product. They can then share the visual on their social media and link it to their online store which would allow customers to take action.

#4. Build Consumers’ Appetites by Using Ephemeral Content

Product Video for a Dorel Home Furnishing Instagram Story

Ephemeral content refers to content that automatically disappears after being on display for a certain amount of time. When a marketer forms the habit of uploading such content, they build anticipation in their followers who make an effort to see the visuals before they disappear. 

Furniture manufacturers can upload different product 3D renders every day in the form of stories. For instance, Instagram’s statistics claim that people upload more than 500 million stories per day, which proves that Instagram Story is one of the most popular content formats at the moment. The trick with this type of content is to keep it exciting and regular. The person doing the design should always have that in mind. 

#5. Use High-Quality Lifestyle Pictures

Photorealistic 3D Visualization for a Restaurant

A low-quality product picture is a turn-off to the customer as it reflects on the manufacturing company as being mediocre. Product pictures should be taken professionally and present the goods as clearly as possible.

3D product pictures can be a great alternative to traditional photography in terms of presenting items in detail. First of all, marketers can order any number of views and types of shots but get it several times faster than photos. Second, they can choose any background without spending a pretty penny on a setting. 

#6. Include Visual Quotes 

Visual Quotes for Brand Image

One way of building confidence is by exposing the business’s philosophy and brand values to clients. The vast majority of people wouldn’t spend time reading lengthy write-ups about the company. Therefore, part of these messages can be condensed into short statements and displayed as visual quotes. 

These quotes can also be used to display positive customer reviews. When done well, the visuals hold the interest of clients and help them develop a positive disposition towards the business, whether it is an online furniture store or any other business. You can get an opportunity to showcase the product and the quote by having a picture of your product as the background upon which you superimpose the quote.

#7. Use Hashtags

Hashtags for SMM

No matter how awesome your 3D product picture is, it is only as powerful as the number of people who get to see it. It is due to this fact that part of successful visual marketing is to get as many people as possible to see 3D product pictures. 

The use of hashtags as part of the captions to the picture makes it more discoverable in search engines. The words of the hashtag should be what the marketer desires their product to be associated with. 

A good example is Nike, which adds motivational hashtags to their visual marketing pictures and videos. When people search for similar words and hashtags, the pictures they caption appear high on the SERPs. A furniture seller may use hashtags that have to do with elegance, comfort, and economy, depending on their brand image and target audience.

Download CGIFURNITURE price guide and learn the costs of top-tier 3D visualization projects of different scales!

product rendering price

Want to explore the immense possibilities CGI services offer? Get in touch with us to enhance customer experience through awe-inspiring 3D product pictures. 

Valerie Adams

Content Writer, Editor

Valerie loves writing about CGI in advertising, product design development, and swears by 3D printing technology. In her free time, she enjoys attending music festivals and art events around Europe.

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