Product Design Render

5 Ways It Helps To Train Salespeople

Product design render is a perfect visual guide that makes training for salespeople more engaging and illustrative. Manufacturers and Marketers from the most advanced companies have already used CG technologies to make their sales departments know the goods from top to bottom. 

The sales growth of a furniture company has been slowing down in the last months despite the increased number of employed salespeople. The e-commerce website visits and SEO data shows that the interest in the products is quite high, which leads to the conclusion that overall poor performance is solely the sales department’s fault. It seems that sellers can’t present the benefits of furniture and persuade customers to purchase the product despite all the professional courses they’ve taken.

Maybe it’s time to upgrade their product knowledge training? 3D visualization provides tones of visual materials that can present all possible information about the goods in the most informative and immersive way. Learn how product design rendering helps to enhance the professional development of salespeople.

 #1. Gives Detailed Product Info

Product Info for Salespeople to Learn

One of the main benefits of using 3D visualization in product knowledge trainings is that it helps salespeople to get all the info about the goods. High-quality 3D modeling effectively demonstrates the functions of items while every photorealistic product design render shows their benefits and features. Besides, studying and describing marketing renders is a perfect practice for promoting products in the future as sellers will have to remember all the details and repeat them to clients. In the end, the more informative they present the goods, the higher the chance of selling them.

#2. Allows To Discover The Invisible

Product Info About Furniture Functions

The leading companies of their respective industries use a product design render to teach their staff about structure, mechanics, and processes of items they offer on the market. In this way, the specialists of the sales department learn all the technical aspects of every product including hidden parts. Sectional views, cut-out images, and close-up shots showcase the details and functions of the goods in the most realistic way. Even if a salesperson has never seen a product in real life because he works for an e-commerce website, he can still answer the most difficult questions from the customers. 

 #3. Creates Different Contexts

Learning about the usages of the goods is vital for any product knowledge training – a good seller always has answers to where a client can apply this or that item. A product render shows salespeople how they can use the goods so they could share this information with clients later on. Lifestyle CGI is especially useful for this purpose because it allows creating any environment as a context for product features. For instance, the marketing images for furniture usually include different interiors, styles, and options of the item so that every customer could find something relatable.

 #4. Makes Learning Fun and Interactive


    Product knowledge training can be very boring and tiring, which is less effective for the professional growth of salespeople. In the end, it’s very hard to be enthusiastic about a product while selling it if you are not interested in it. Commercially successful companies engage their sellers in learning the goods with the help of entertaining 3D renders and apps. The best examples are online 360 viewers as well as VR and AR programs – their interactivity keeps the interest of trainees for much longer. Therefore, product knowledge becomes more profound and well-rounded.

     #5. Teaches How To Test Products

    Product Test for Bath Furniture

    On the stage of start-up or a new launch, most of the companies use a product design render to present concepts of their ideas to the focus-group of the customers. Marketers gather the target audience’s impressions and first feedbacks, analyze them and give the report of results to salespeople. Based on this information, sellers will know what clients like the most about a product and will emphasize these features. They will also prepare a response to criticism and avoid sales failures. 

     Based on the above, using design render in product knowledge materials helps companies to enhance learning methods making them both informative and engaging at the same time. This approach leads to the professional development of salespeople and sales growth as the conclusion. In the end, what can be more illustrative than a photorealistic product design render as a visual guide for salespeople?

    Download CGIFURNITURE price guide and learn the costs of top-tier 3D visualization projects of different scales!

    product rendering price

    Want to train your sales department in a fast and effective way? Use our product rendering services and get detailed design renders for more innovative product knowledge training.

    Max Kharchenko

    Senior Account Manager

    An ultimate problem-solver and skilled negotiator, Max provides first-class advice to clients. He is an extrovert, a dog person, and a sheer pleasure to talk to. In his spare time, Max enjoys playing basketball and watching Netflix.

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