Realistic product rendering is a convenient way for furniture retailers and manufacturers to get high-impact imagery for their catalogs. However, before the advent of 3D graphics, catalogs meant inevitable photoshoots. Which involved furniture prototypes shipped to some far-away photography studios and locations, loads of props and flowers bought for the occasion and endless quests for the best lighting.
But then, 3D product rendering appeared on the horizon. More and more companies realized that the technology brings new opportunities to their marketing strategies. So 3D visualization became the first choice for major retailers and manufacrurers in terms of creation of marketing visuals.
So what advantages made businesses change their workflows and adopt a brand-new solution for catalogs? Stay tuned to learn what is realistic rendering and discover 5 jaw-dropping benefits of 3D for imagery.
#1. The Variety of Backgrounds for Products
In order to present a product in the most flattering way, Manufacturers and Retailers use various types of imagery. White background silos are a must, of course, for they present the item without distractions. However, roomset photography shows great sales rates and highlights different types of usage of the same merchandise. For instance, one media console will look awesome both in the living room, accommodating a TV set, and in the hallway, displaying some exquisite pieces of decor or flowers. This way, lifestyles images capture attention and present the benefits in a compelling story.
However, Marketers used to think twice before choosing lifestyle photography. Constructing the scene, whether for location, outdoor or even studio shot, is a task that needs lots of resources, time and money. But that was true before realistic product rendering appeared. For owing to 3D graphics,staged imagery and roomsets can be developed digitally. 3D Artists set the perfect lighting using 3D Max and Vray plugin, and create any scene for the piece, regardless of the complexity of the environment.
#2. Clear Demonstration of Product’s Benefits
Views showcasing beautiful pieces from different angles help to present all their details and functions. And with 3D modeling and realistic product rendering, one doesn’t need shooting the item separately for every image. All types of shots – top, front, side, even cutouts – can be digitally developed without any additional time, efforts and equipment. This way, 3D Visualization made it easy for Manufacturers to showcase the fine design, quality of materials and textures, and internal structure.
#3. Optimization of Marketing Budget
Creating a top-notch catalog can be quite pricey when using photography studio services. In addition to the costs of the work of a photographer, Marketers and Manufacturers have to pay for renting photoshoot locations, transportations of furniture and decoration of sets.
Realistic product rendering is a real cost savior when it comes to catalogs. Since images are created using specialized software, without any physical props or locations, there’s no need to send the prototypes anywhere. Moreover, 3D visualization studios take care of project management and control, which crosses out the need for a full-time attention from a person assigned to oversee the process and make sure the deadlines are met.
But there are other ways to save considerable amounts of money with realistic product rendering, while still getting gorgeous imagery. Like using ready-to-use 3D models of decor and ready roomsets. At CGIFURNITURE, for instance, we have 6143 photorealistic scenes that make superb backgrounds for product imagery. And since the settings should not be developed from scratch, the cgi project costs less.
#4. Showing All Options of Products
The choice is a strong advantage in the eyes of customers, so designers create furniture in various color variations or with different finishes. The main challenge of this strategy is to figure out how to show and advertise them all.
Now with product photography, a company sends a prototype of each design variation to the studio and pays for shooting them like for separate products. While with 3D rendering, one 3D model is all that’s needed. This way, furniture CGIshows the customer that the black chair he liked so much is also available in bright red, navy blue and pure white. He’ll definitely find something for his interior, or even combine a few types for more color drama.
#5. Getting Ahead of Deadlines
Designing and producing furniture is a complicated process that sometimes takes more time than expected. When Dealers and wholesalers are already interested to see the catalog, Furniture Designers can still be debating over which models to pick for the new season. Meanwhile, the Marketer, half-panicked, tries to communicate them the importance of the deadlines and evokes the terrible consequences which await them all if they fail to produce results in time.
Realistic product rendering alleviates these unwelcome worries. For while Designers talk over creative issues on every single concept, the Marketer can safely ask 3D rendering company for images of all the design variations and forget all about tempestuous discussions in the meeting room. When the choice is made, he can simply choose the right renders and the day is saved.
This way, 3D realistic product rendering is a perfect tool for getting product shots that demonstrate all the merits of your merchandise quickly and efficiently, in photorealistic quality and highlighting all the design benefits. So when the catalog speaks for the product, shows gorgeous imagery and provides the information on the unique selling proposition, wholesalers will be way easier to talk to, and customers – eager to make a purchase. Ready to take your visual marketing to a whole new level and make a catalog that is an absolute success? Contact CGIFURNITURE product rendering services. We’ll make sure your marketing materials sell like star salespeople.
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