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Professional 3D photography is surprisingly underutilized even today on account that it’s “not realistic enough”, “hits the uncanny valley” and “boring”. However, nothing can be farther from truth than these statements! Modern 3D modeling and rendering software can create images indistinguishable from photographs; cheaper and faster, too.

CGI was created to be used in ecommerce – the biggest market that exists today, for all kinds of goods. And if you want to succeed in business, professional 3D photography is your go-to choice. There are seven reasons for that, which we’ll explore today.

#1. Save Money On Product Images While Getting Top Quality

Lifelike 3D Photography to Use in Online Business

It is a common bias to assume that professional product 3D rendering costs more than traditional product photography. That is factually incorrect, since a good photoshoot price range is from one to two thousand USD, while expert 3D modeling services on average cost less than 1k USD (the exact price depends on size of the project). This means you’ll be able to cut expenses for advertising campaigns while retaining high image quality. More profit to you!

#2. Use Unlimited Creative Opportunities of CGI Photography

Realistic 3D Photo for Furniture Businesses

CGI is completely digital – lines of code and polygons, that’s it. This allows to customise all elements of images: shape, size, color, texture, lighting, vfx – you name it. This kind of variability is impossible to achieve with traditional photography. Producing tons of single-use disposable props, spending hours on adjusting lighting and being limited with angles from which photos can be shot – what a nightmare! Professional 3D photography can save you from all that hassle.

#3. Tap into the Power of Interactive

VR has revolutionized entertainment, as well as several other industries. Diving into vast artificial environments is breathtaking experience. In order to create these settings programmers need 3D models with meticulous attention to detail. But it pays off: professional 3D photography can offer an interactive experience for viewers, since they are no longer passive observers. Definitely a bold and effective addition to your website.

#4. Show the Fine Detail

Professional 3D Renders for Manufacturer's Furniture

Speaking of details – traditional photography is unmatched when it comes to detalization. 4K Ultra HD photographs are surely impressive, but they no longer have monopoly on this feature. Professional 3D photography doesn’t lag behind – it can produce product images that look and feel real as well. Although currently creating even one such picture is a slow and painstaking process, the technology is improving every year, so in less than a decade classic photography may become obsolete. Scary or exciting – this is up to you to decide.

#5. Make Your Product Appeal to Different Target Audiences

3D Photo Creation for Ecommerce Purposes

Any furniture designer knows that context matters – an armchair on a plain white background isn’t enticing at all. You need to think of promotional materials as not something to sell the product, but something to sell purpose. Adding decor and placing objects in thematic environments (kitchen, living room, bedroom, etc.) is much more effective, as it will describe customers how they may use your goods. From a logistical point of view, professional 3D rendering is super effective when it comes to placing elements in context. Think of it – all 3D models are reusable (you can choose elements from a vast item catalog or ask for custom ones) and can be mixed and matched according to your needs. It can even be a feature of an interactive online product catalog!

#6. Make your Product Look Like a Star

3D Photo to Depict a Beautiful Table Design in a Lifestyle

Sometimes, when furniture design is more utilitarian than artistic, figuring out how to make it photogenic is quite a challenge. Professional 3D photography can do more than adding visual effects to make even mediocre ideas stellar. In CG images, a lot of factors can be adjusted to highlight the selling points of goods: lighting, accurate material simulation, product quality and so on. Marvellous Designer can render cloth that looks even better than real counterparts, Corona can bathe the scene in gorgeous light and simulate deep shadows. This kind of attention to detail can make even industrial bland furniture look like a star.

#7. Engage Customers with 3D Animation

Among many forms of interactivity, professional 3D photography can also bring designs to life – literally. CG animation is easier to make than 2D, and can include impressive feats like a “fly-through”, zooming in and out, a 360-degree view and other visual tricks that we won’t spoil. The interactive possibilities of 3D images use are great on their own, but imagine for a moment how stunning they’ll be when combined!

Download CGIFURNITURE price guide and learn the costs of top-tier 3D visualization projects of different scales!

product rendering price

Now you know how to make your website even better than before. Professional 3D photography is the technological marvel that you can use right now, and make the most out of it. So don’t wait while the trend passes by – start improving your sales today with our professional 3D modeling services!

Max Kharchenko

Senior Account Manager

An ultimate problem-solver and skilled negotiator, Max provides first-class advice to clients. He is an extrovert, a dog person, and a sheer pleasure to talk to. In his spare time, Max enjoys playing basketball and watching Netflix.

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