CGI Bundle Offer

Get a set of 4 CG images
for your product page

$3600 $4800

What you get

With CGI, you can get any type of product image you wish. Whatever you can think of, a 3D artist will digitally recreate. The production process will be fast and easy, and the resulting 3D renderings will surpass your boldest expectations. Let’s see what types of visuals you should consider.

Get a Universal Asset Suitable for Every E-commerce Platform

White background renderings make all the colors, materials, and details pop. Their beauty and accuracy make them a must-have image type for every major e-commerce and advertising platform.

Highlight Quality with a Close-up

Take the visual appeal of your product to an absolute maximum. A close-up sho can show the beauty of exquisite materials, colors, and small details such as seams and high-quality fittings. The resulting image will make the customer feel as if they actually touched the product, like in a traditional shop.

Show Your Products in Context with a Lifestyle

Wrap the product up in a beautiful story, thus catching the attention of the prospective buyers and evoking their emotions. And emotions are the shortest way to a customer’s heart. For that reason, lifestyles are used pretty much everywhere — on social media, e-commerce platforms, product pages, etc.

Get 1 000 000 images with one 3D model

Оceans of product images start with one 3D model. Then, the model can be used for new closeups, silos, lifestyles, etc. And with every new image, you will get a reusable and customizable scene. Moreover, the 3D model itself is customizable too. The 3D artists can change its colors, textures, and small details, so you will easily get imagery for design variants.

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